
All blog posts can also be found over at

Add AR and 3D Models to Any Site in Minutes

Add AR and 3D Models to Any Site in Minutes

Learn about Google's ModelViewer component. You can add AR to any site in just few minutes and with a few lines of code.

October 8, 2020

Refactoring My First JavaScript Boot Camp Algorithms

Refactoring My First JavaScript Boot Camp Algorithms

I went back to code that I wrote more than three years ago and looked at what I could improve and refactor.

September 29, 2020

TailwindCSS: The Awesome and Annoying

TailwindCSS: The Awesome and Annoying

A review of what I love and could leave from TailwindCSS after using it for a few months.

September 22, 2020

How to Work with Immutable Data in JavaScript

How to Work with Immutable Data in JavaScript

How to make sure that you are working with immutable data. Avoid side effects and have cleaner code.

September 14, 2020

How to Destructure Objects and Arrays in JavaScript

How to Destructure Objects and Arrays in JavaScript

The basics of how to destructure objects and arrays for cleaner and easier to read code.

September 7, 2020

Server Side User Authentication with Next.js and Firebase

Server Side User Authentication with Next.js and Firebase

Utilize Next.js and getInitialProps to do your user authentication on the server side while using Firebase. Increase load time and UX

September 2, 2020

Lazy Loading Blurry React Images

Lazy Loading Blurry React Images

Create a React component that uses lazy loading images. Start with an ultra small version that comes into focus as your full-size image loads.

August 21, 2020

Stop Coding and be a Better Developer

Stop Coding and be a Better Developer

Coding more is not always the answer. Some reasons that you might want to take a break from the editor and make sure you are working to your full potential.

August 18, 2020

Build a calculator with React Hooks and the React Context API

Build a calculator with React Hooks and the React Context API

Learn to unlock the the power of hooks in React if you are mainly familiar with class components. Also learn about persisting data with the use of the Context API.

March 15, 2019

Gettin' Griddy with it: an Introduction to CSS Grid

Gettin' Griddy with it: an Introduction to CSS Grid

One of my first articles for FreeCodeCamp as I finished up bootcamp. Explains some of the basics of CSS grid that will make sure you never have to reach for bootstrap again.

January 16, 2019

ES6 Object and Array Methods

ES6 Object and Array Methods

Some common Javascript methods for objects and arrays explained. Many you might not have used before that will make your workflow a little easier.

January 6, 2019